Thursday, September 25, 2014

One Step Foward

My leg is healing at slower than a snail's pace. My most recent X-ray, taken a week ago, still shows an angry break clear across my tibia, flanked by dainty little spirals extending toward my knee and my ankle. 

My doc sighed and shrugged his shoulders before declaring it "acceptable." So now, after some annoying obstacles from cast to splint to brace, my right leg now resembles that of a Storm Trooper. 

It's an improvement on the cast for sure. It's daintiness, however, revealing some shocking skin that had previously been hidden by the cast. My thigh is peeling like I suffered the world's worst sunburn and my foot... Oh my foot. My foot, still swollen and sausagey(like my leg) is shedding what appears to be shards of Parmesan. No matter how much I scrub it moisturize I just keep sloughing off continent sized chunks of my foot.

Man I miss pedicures, and proper showers, and all things involved in, well, grooming. 

Sunday, September 7, 2014

MS Is Hazardous To Your Health

I broke my leg. Or, more to the point, MS broke my leg. I was transferring(blerg. That's something old people and cripples do) from the toilet to my scooter aaannnnd... pop. 

An ambulance was called, my dignity was lost and my favorite pair of jeans was ruined(they had to cut them off). 

The nurse in the ER actually said they get a fair amount of MSers in with broken bones. Serves me right for ignoring my physical therapist when he expressed concern about me falling.

"I'm good at falling," I said. "What's there to worry about?"

Anyhoo, despite being mostly bed-bound during a super busy time - both of my boys starting school, all the back-to-school stuff and hubbub - we have managed pretty well. Hubs, who has always been an angel, has really outdone himself with the cooking, cleaning, boy chauffeuring, helping me out ON TOP of his demanding job. 

How did I get so lucky? Because, really, I am super lucky.

Super lucky, but my leg does hurt.